Agence 360

Domain & Server

Tailored technological solutions to elevate your digital presence.
Partenaire Numérique


Domain Name Registration

Transform your digital identity into reality with our domain name registration services. H&C supports you in reserving and securing your online identity, offering a comprehensive selection of extensions (.com, .fr, .eu, .net, .org, etc.) and expert guidance to protect your brand.

Our simple and fast process ensures that your unique domain name perfectly reflects your business and digital ambitions.


Our web hosting solution meets the highest standards of performance and reliability. Whether you’re an innovative startup or an established business, we offer hosting services tailored to every need, featuring highly available infrastructures, optimized network speeds, and enhanced security. Benefit from a dynamic infrastructure that scales with the growth of your digital project.


Custom Server Infrastructure

H&C designs custom server infrastructures precisely aligned with your strategic goals. Our VPS (Virtual Private Server) solutions provide complete flexibility, tailored configurations, top-tier performance, and unlimited scalability.

Profitez d’une infrastructure sécurisée, administrable à distance, avec une disponibilité garantie de 99,99%.

Mail Server

Email Servers

Communicate professionally and securely with our email servers. We offer custom email addresses with your domain name, generous storage up to 50 GB, and advanced protection against spam and viruses. Hosted in France, our servers ensure confidentiality and regulatory compliance.

Online Cloud Storage

Unlock the potential of your data with our innovative cloud storage solution. Accessible anytime, anywhere, your files are synchronized, secure, and perfectly organized.
Our cloud solutions offer flexibility, mobility, and peace of mind, with storage capacities tailored to all business needs.
Our references

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